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case study


D'Educationist, a renowned education consultancy firm, embarked on a journey to enhance its brand presence and streamline its operations to better serve its clients. Partnering with KeplerX Global, D'Educationist underwent a comprehensive branding transformation, resulting in significant growth and increased engagement across various channels.


Fragmented Operations: D’Educationist struggled with disjointed systems for user management, HR, accounting, lead management, project management, workflows, and business automation.
Limited Social Media Reach: The company’s Instagram account had a modest reach of 7,000 followers, hindering its ability to effectively connect with its target audience.
Outdated Online Presence: The existing website lacked modern features and engaging content, failing to attract and retain visitors effectively.
Ineffective Social Media Strategy: D’Educationist faced challenges in managing its social media platforms efficiently and lacked a cohesive strategy to drive engagement and generate leads.
Lack of Visual Appeal: The absence of compelling graphics and videos limited D’Educationist’s ability to create impactful marketing campaigns.

Website Revamp

KeplerX Global revamped D’Educationist’s website with modern designs and interactive elements, creating a user-friendly platform that effectively showcased the company’s services and expertise.
The updated website attracted more visitors and improved user engagement, resulting in increased inquiries and conversions.

Social Media Marketing

KeplerX Global devised a targeted social media marketing strategy, managing D’Educationist’s presence on Facebook and Instagram.
Engaging posts, strategic ads, and consistent engagement activities led to a significant increase in Instagram followers from 7,000 to 45,000, expanding the company’s reach and visibility.

Graphics and Videos

KeplerX Global created captivating graphics and videos to enhance D’Educationist’s visual appeal and convey its brand message effectively.
The visually stunning content enriched marketing campaigns, driving higher engagement and brand recognition.


Through strategic branding initiatives and innovative solutions, D’Educationist experienced significant growth and improved engagement across various channels. With a modernized brand identity and streamlined operations, D’Educationist is well-positioned to continue its success and further establish itself as a leader in the education consultancy industry.


Ready to elevate your brand like D’Educationist? Contact KeplerX Global today!

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